Sola = Sol (sun) + Ola (wave) 

Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by products,waste materials or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality, such as artistic value and environmental value.

SOLA Surfboard Bags and Beach items are handmade with love by upcycling the garments and textiles such as upholstery fabrics, curtains, cushion covers and blankets that we found at local charity shop and recycling stores. 

We love the sea and live naturally. We will look at the problems on the earth we live in, review our daily lives and create a better environment.

Our ECO STORY pays particular attention to the textile waste and emphasise the importance of reducing and reworking.






ECO STORYでは環境問題に特に目を向け、リデュースとリサイクルの大切さを発信しています。